What Does Your Baby’s Initial Sounds Means?

Babies make different sounds to communicate with you. Here you can read this to understand what does sounds like, “Neh”, “Eh”, “Owh”, “Heh”, “ Eairh” means. All these strange baby’s initial sounds have their own meaning.

According to an Australian Pediatrician, Dr. Priscilla Dunstan who’s been studying early childhood sound for more than 20 years, she examined that your baby starts actively communicating sounds only after 4 months old. Before that, the sounds are just a primary reflex that needs to be figured out.

So here is a little ‘sound’ cheat codes you can read:

  • “Neh” means “Hey, I’m hungry here, feed me!”
    This sound comes from your baby pushing their tongue up to the roof of their mouth, triggering the sucking reflex.
  • “Eh” is, “I think I’m going to burp now!”
    With that, the excess air starts leaving the baby’s esophagus, and your baby tries to release it from the mouth.
  • “Owh” means “I’m so sleepy and tired!”
    Your baby just folds their lips before yawning and this sound comes out.
  • “Heh” is baby speaks for “I’m not feeling it, I’m uncomfortable.”
    The main reason is probably an unpleasant feeling of some sort. The baby can give away their feelings by constantly moving and jerking their hands and feet as well.
  • “Eairh” indicates “I have a sore tummy, help!”
    This strange sound can turn into a moan, as your baby stretches the belly and exhales. Don’t ignore these symptoms, call the doctor immediately.

These are all the baby’s initial sounds you need to know. So now you are ready to whisper with your baby and understand what your baby wants.

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